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About Me
Muzaffer SÜTLÜOĞLU (EFIAP) He was born in Rize, Pazar in 1950 He graduated from IDMMA (Istanbul State Architecture and Engineering Academy) Galatasaray Engineering College as Civil Engineer in 1976. He met photography in 1966 when he had his first camera. He became a member of IFSAK Istanbul Photography and Cinema Amateurs in the beginning of 1982. In 1983, he became a member of KASK Kocaeli Amateur Artists Association, which is now named as Kocaeli Photography Art Association. He became the Chairman of the Executive Board. He held chairmanship for 6 years incessantly. He attended the executive board again in 1991 and undertook various duties at the level of management until 1995. He served as KASK representative in TFDB Turkey Union of Photography Associations for long years. He gave seminars about photography and organized courses. He participated in symposiums and panels. He published his writings about photography in various magazines. The photos he took were published. He was granted more than 60 awards in many competitions in and out of the country. He made many exhibitions and organized more than 60 personal presentations. He also participated in mixed presentations. The number of his personal exhibitions is 38 and he participated in around 50 mixed exhibitions. He exhibited his photos in competitions in many countries of the world including Turkey, Brazil, France, Austria, Spain, Belgium, England, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Luxemburg, Italia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Poland and India and his photos took place in catalogues. He was granted the title of AFIAP (Artist of FIAP) by FIAP (Fédération Internationale De L’art Photographixue) International Federation of Photographic Art in 1990. He carried out works on Experimental Photography for two years between 1990 and 1992. Then he hold the exhibitions named "Clouds", "Rocks", "Photos from Değirmendere Wooden Sculpture Symposium”, “Retrospective”, “Story of a Village”, “Black and White Portraits” and “Traces and Forms”. He now carries on his works for the exhibition named “Dynamic Photos”. He was granted the title of Excellence FIAP-EFIAP artist by FIAP in 1995. He participated in many exhibition and presentation organizations. He served as Secretary in the International Photography Competition organized with KASK and Izmit Rotary Club in 1995. He’s focused his attention totally on Black and White works since 1999. He started to carry out works mainly with the themes of people and places. He works on the projects regarding the drafts of the works that he will carry out in the future. He served as Lecturer in photography classes in Kandıra Vocational School of Kocaeli University for three years. He's been working as qualified photography instructor for 5 years in Kocaeli Vocational Courses (KOMEK) of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. He is a honorary member of KASK. He is married and he has a daughter and a son.
Basic Info
- Birth date: 1950-01-28
- Gender: Male
- Photo club: KASKask Kocaeli Photo Art Association
- Country: Turkey
- City: Kocaeli 41740
- Street name: Atik Sokak 5/B