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About Me
Born in Xativa (Valencia) in 1966. I became involved in the photography experience thanks to a workshop organized in my village (Els Monjos, Barcelona), and by the hand of my friend and teacher Ramon Soler I joined to the Diafragma Club of Villafranca del Penedes (Barcelona), from which I am still a member. There, I developed a passionate interest in photography and other surrounding topics such as techniques, contests and tendencies. When I was seventeen, I won my first award at regional level, the first award in the Trofeu la Premsa, organized by the Diafragma Club, and with the pass of the years I achieved the recognition in more than 90 national and international contests. Moreover, I have been working for the photography being the president of the Diafragma Club during two years. I belong to the Federación Catalana de Fotografía, the Confederación Española de Fotografía and to the Fédération Internationale de lart Photographyque. By the Federació Catalana i hold the distinction of Mestre and by the Federatción Española and Fédération Internationale the distinction of Excelencia. Nowadays, I live in Alicante Province and I am a member of the Foto Cine la Vila Club (Vila-Joiosa, Alicante).
Basic Info
- Birth date: 1966-04-24
- Gender: Male
- Title: EFIAP - MCEF - MFCF
- Country: Spain