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About Me
An Engineer turned Photographer Mukesh Srivastava made a successful foray into the digital arena. With the dawn of digital photography, Mukesh embarked a new journey a little less that half a decade back and this journey has seen him win critical acclaim and accolade from across over the globe. A true craftsman of the lens, Mukesh feels that “Photography involves seeing through the lens of the camera, but truly seeing has many different dimensions. We see with the inner eye, the eye of the artist that is innate in each individual.” Hailing from the colorful city of Rajasthan, he has a keen eye on the culture and landscape of the state. His love for the city of sand dunes, camels and caravan has reaped in many honors and achievements. Mukesh is a qualified Engineer with Post graduate in Digital Electronics from Indian Institute of Sciences. An Ex-Director, Govt. of India, he is currently engaged with Center for Visual Arts as a Director. He resides with his family in the “Coal City” of Dhanbad, Jharkhand. To see the world through his lens, he traveled to Australia in 2011 and further to UK, Holland, Brussels, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria & Brussels in 2013. Few of his images are being sold in USA as Greetings cards. Some of his works have also been published in World’s No.1 “Lonely Planet” and Syndic Literary Journal, USA. He has captured images in almost every genre of photography. He loves capturing raw expression of people around the world. He has more than 15000 images in stock. He has more than 150 National and International awards to his credit. To name a few he got 27 from Kodak, 4 from Natgeo, 1 from Save Water, Melbourne and 25 awards in International Salons accredited by FIAP and PSA from different parts of the world.
Basic Info
- Photo club: FIP
- Title: Mr.
- Country: India