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About Me
Fadhel Almutaghawi, a Bahraini photographer from the Kingdom of Bahrain, holding AFIAP title with additional of UPI titles of Aphrodite and UPI CR4. I started a serious passion on photography back in the 90s, i really started professionaly was in the year 2012 when i bought my first DSLR Camera. From then on, i felt it was a passion not just a hobby; it actually became a part of my daily life. I love traveling and it is part of my profession, and i am lucky to have the opportunity to spend some time with my cam to capture street photography scenes/subject and the people lifestyles with a story telling photos. I joined the 1st FIAP international photo contest back in Dec. 2012. I have won many awards with more than 200 awards up-to-date, with many best author award. Photography for me is not just simply a profession... it's a passion.
Basic Info
- Birth date: 0000-00-00
- Gender: Male
- Title: AFIAP
- Country: Bahrain